SacAnime Summer 2013 – Day 2

I honestly didn’t get much accomplished today.  Bank of the West is annoyingly closed on Saturday, so I was forced to use the ATM.  Something I could have done yesterday and would have had I known. *sigh*

My new costume: Somewhere in the middle of the Tenmyouji-Michio Kaku Scale.
My new costume: Somewhere in the middle of the Tenmyouji-Michio Kaku Scale.

I decided to slap on my limited edition VLR watch and go as Tenmyouji.  Only with glasses and black hair.  I tried on a white wig at the vendor hall to see if it would get me closer to looking like Tenmyouji, but since they were designed to be a female platinum wig rather than an old man wig, it didn’t work out, and I think I ended up looking more like Michio Kaku than anything.  Covered up too much forehead, methinks.

The wig was outside my price range anyway.

First thing I did was head straight to the collaborations panel.  Learned quite a bit, actually.  Still, I don’t think I’m ready to take that step.  Quite content with my current system of commissioning artwork of my stories.  But I will eventually start posting rewritten chapters on DeviantArt to at least get more exposure than I get from these blogs.

Speaking of commissions, I got a couple of commissions ordered.  Hope you appreciate them.  I think the subject matter will be a pleasant surprise.  At least one of them will be done tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Oh, and I bought a copy of Above the Clouds.  The $10 bundle comes with a print, bookmark, and a full-color 23-page comic.  In the credits page, my copy editor sense couldn’t help but notice she hand-wrote a “d” to fix a typo’d “copyrighte 2013.”  And if I’m interpreting the back cover correctly, I have copy 33/100.  So um… yeah.  I kinda wish it was one of my lucky numbers, but what can ya do?  (My lucky numbers?  13, 25, 37)


Minus points for not using a belt.  Don't worry though - you still get all those bonus points for everything else about a Quailman costume.
Minus points for not using a belt. Don’t worry though – you still get all those bonus points for everything else about a Quailman costume.


Spike Spiegel in between Lunches.
Spike Spiegel in between Lunches.


Renji indecently whipping his sword out in public again.
Renji indecently whipping his sword out in public again.
I would like to take this opportunity to admit there was a brief moment when I shipped Sui-Feng with Ichigo.
I would like to take this opportunity to admit there was a brief moment when I shipped Sui-Feng with Ichigo.
Notice how it's the updated version.  Wrighto cosplayers movin up in the world, yo.
Notice how it’s the updated version. Wrighto cosplayers movin up in the world, yo.


Apparently, I was the only person to recognize B. Jenet. I refuse to believe this is the case.
Apparently, I was the only person to recognize B. Jenet.
I refuse to believe this is the case.
This female Thor... I like it. ANOTHER!
This female Thor… I like it.


I freaking loved that first TMNT movie.  Those costumes were awesome.  And Raph was always my favorite turtle, so double points!  THY POINTS HAVE BEEN DOUBLED!
I freaking loved that first TMNT movie. Those costumes were awesome. And Raph was always my favorite turtle, so double points! THY POINTS HAVE BEEN DOUBLED!
Wolfwood and Boximus Prime Mark IV
Wolfwood and Boximus Prime Mark IV


These guys are NOT cosplayers.  I just wanted to show some respect to the photographer crew and their ridiculous ARSENAL OF CAMERAS.
These guys are NOT cosplayers. I just wanted to show some respect to the photography crew and their ridiculous ARSENAL OF CAMERAS.


This might be the first time I snapped Jupiter and Mars.  Maybe Venus. Now I REALLY have to look back and see what Senshi I'm missing.
This might be the first time I snapped Jupiter and Mars. Maybe Venus.
Now I REALLY have to look back and see what Senshi I’m missing.

I stayed at the site longer than I expected and missed out on my bus back home.  But it was worth it since it meant getting two commissions in.  I decided to take the number 30 to Sacramento State and walk home from the campus.  If the 30 ran until 9 I would’ve stayed for the Evening With Troy Baker event, but alas, the last bus leaves at 8:30.

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