Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 20 – Crystal Tokyo, King Endymion

I imagine after 1000 years, the cape flip is King Endymion's last form of entertainment.
I imagine after 1000 years, the cape flip is King Endymion’s last form of entertainment.

So we get another episode almost entirely dedicated to talking, with just a smidge of action at the end.  To be fair, it was some good action.

Quality-wise, there is a LOT of off-model art in this episode.  Nothing singularly dramatically bad, just a whole lot of little bads.

There really isn’t a whole lot I can say about this episode.  I did like the visuals of Crystal Tokyo and its people since I honestly don’t recall seeing anything more than the castle in the 90s anime.

Looks so much more futuristic than a giant crystal castle dropped in the middle of a 90s metropolis.
Looks so much more futuristic than a giant crystal castle dropped in the middle of a 90s metropolis.

Speaking of Crystal Tokyo changes, Neo Queen Serenity.  She seems to have more whitish hair, making resemble the original Queen Serenity more.  But what really has me interested isn’t that, but the prospect that this change is to make her closer resemble Sailor Cosmos.

Fun fact: Even Naoko Takeuchi has no fucking clue what Sailor Cosmos is.
Fun fact: Even Naoko Takeuchi has no fucking clue what Sailor Cosmos is.

We also had some cute moments with Diana.  Again, in the 90s anime, she didn’t show up until Super S.  People not familiar with the manga must have freeeeeaked.

B-baka, it's not like I'm happy to see my parents healthy or anything...
B-baka, it’s not like I’m happy to see my parents healthy or anything…
No caption.  I just really wanted to get the full view of this.
No caption. I just really wanted to get the full view of this.

One thing I really loved was how they retained Pluto’s little crush on King Endymion.  I don’t think this was in the 90s anime either, but it was one of my favorite things about her character in the manga.

Sailor Pluto: friendzoned for eternity.
Sailor Pluto: friendzoned for eternity.

The Black Moon Family continues to suffer from a lack of character development, but it’s not like they needed it.  We got just enough, IMO.  Like how Rubeus is still a little rapey.

This and the fact Rubeus outlives her in this episode is hilarious if you're familiar with the 90s anime version of events.
This and the fact Rubeus outlives her in this episode is hilarious if you’re familiar with the 90s anime version of events.

LOL, Tuxedo Mask got his second kill in two episodes.

In the next episode, we can look forward to the Black Moon Family showing a bit more of their rapey qualities.  Also, the other three Senshi finally get some lines.

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