Final Fantasy XIV Beta: First impressions and plans

So, I’m in the FF XIV beta.  I’m pretty interested in playing several classes, and any game with a Bard class is automatically good, period.

However, I outright refuse to support SquareEnix’s fees.  You have to pay for the actual game, then pay a $15 monthly sub fee?  Screw that.  $15 monthly is bad enough, but having to also pay for the base game?

So, I plan on milking as much of FF XIV as I can while I have free access through the beta.  Then I’m out.

On the plus side, XIV has a decent character creation.  I can make an OK Natsume.  Not the best I’ve made (that would be Mabinogi), but better than most.  It’s not like Neverwinter, where I can’t even give her green hair.  (Also: Screw Neverwinter).

I do kind of want to try out their Bard class.  From what I gather, the Bard class is a master of buffs, but they can also hold their own in battle with the bow and arrow.  No relying on kabonging with lutes, I guess.

On the negative side, I have to make Natsume a pugilist because NO DUAL-WIELDING.  FFF.  Also, there’s a distinct lack voice acting.  There’s narrated cutscenes, but that’s it.  XIV is a very quiet world for the most part.  Annoyingly, the starting cutscenes CANNOT BE SKIPPED.  At least not the first time around.  And it’s long as hell.  You have to sit through the damned thing just to reach the character creation menu!

Finally, the EXP system freaking sucks.  You actually get a penalty for joining in a world map quest when you’re too LOW a level for it.  I joined in two map quests and I doubt I even gained anything from my participation.  See another player fighting an enemy?  Don’t bother joining in and helping out, because you earn jack shit from it.  I suppose there might be EXP sharing if you’re in a party.  Maybe I’m just coddled by Guild Wars 2 and its actual promotion of being a friendly person out in the field, but this is just terrible design.

I do plan on taking copious screenshots, but there is no built-in screen capture tool, so I have to clipboard and paste to Paint.  That’s right.  It’s freaking 2013 and I have to do this shit manually.  SquareEnix, get your shit together.  I’m actually looking forward to XV.  Don’t screw this up for me.

5 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Beta: First impressions and plans”

  1. Your connection with morphogenetic fields strikes again!

    FTR, I’d be curious about an NWN3, but I couldn’t care less about Neverwinter.

    However, I outright refuse to support SquareEnix’s fees. You have to pay for the actual game, then pay a $15 monthly sub fee? Screw that. $15 monthly is bad enough, but having to also pay for the base game?

    I don’t think this is strange?? WoW with all expansions would run you about $93 base cost plus $17/mo after the first, from Blizz’ site — granted, the newest two expansions are $73 of the base, and it’s $15/mo if you buy in 6 month chunks. (Converting from Euros, rounding.)

    Mind, these days I would not play any game which would explicitly or implicitly commit me to indefinite monthly/regular costs.

    “Maybe I’m just coddled by Guild Wars 2”

    From what I’ve heard, Guild Wars is exceptional.

    1. Well, I never agreed with WoW’s pricing in the first place, so naturally I’d be against FFXIV’s.

      And what specifically brought on the morphogenetic fields comment?

  2. Guess I’ll have to forget about building up my Charisma stat yet again.

    But yeah, it’s surprising how strong my Morphogenetic Field influence is. If it were any stronger, I would use it to troll Bleach shippers by having Kubo reveal that Ichigo and Tatsuki have been having casual sex ever since the time skip. Not that this is something I think is out of nowhere. I swear, THE CLUES ARE THERE, AND SOMEHOW I’M THE ONLY ONE THAT SEES THEM.

  3. Charisma is most people’s dump stat anyway.

    I have no idea if I got this from you, TVTropes, or someone/someplace else, but I think Tatsuki was originally supposed to be more important? She’s cool, so it’s sad if that’s so.

    Speaking of shipping and Final Fantasy, did you know people are still flaying each other alive over Tifa vs. Aeris/th? Talking about trolling fanbases, I’d like to see crossdressed Cloud paired with zombie Aeris/th. If I could art this, I would art this.

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