At long last, the newest chapter of the RPG-inspired fantasy adventure!
Quest 06 – The Old Gods The young bard lay motionless beneath the canopy of leaves of the forest. … Continue Reading ››Tag Archives: Bardass!
Bardass! Break 1 – Kruseid the Just
Short chapter today. Enjoy the first of the "Break" chapters; this one goes into detail about Kruseid, the leader of the Seven Heroes.
Break 1 - Kruseid the Just
Kruseid's father was … Continue Reading ››
Bardass! Quest 05 – The Astorian Knight
In this chapter, Brier meets Kent, a Knight of Astoria, as well as two old faces.
Quest 05 - The Astorian Knight
Astoria City is the bordered capitol of the Kingdom of … Continue Reading ››
Bardass! Quest 04 – Why is the Rumble On?
The newest chapter of Bardass! What happens when you put a bard into a fistfight? There's no punchline, I assure you. Or is there?
Quest 04 - Why is the Rumble … Continue Reading ››
Bardass! Quest 03 – The Stolen Lute
Finally, the Fall installation of Bardass! is here!
Quest 03 - The Stolen Lute
Arco: *squeak* *squeak*
Brier: Hnnn....
Arco: *squeak* *chomp*
Brier: OW!!
Arco: *squeak*
Brier: Oh. Arco. *yaaawn* Man, what happened last night? I've got … Continue Reading ››