Hello (hello) is there anybody out there (out there)?

Just checkin’ up on mah peeps out there in La Interweb. I know I haven’t been very busy lately… I’ve been… busy lately… <_< At the end of the school year, thinking about what I'm gonna do once I've got my Associate's in English, hoping I'm passing Bio so my general ed requirements for transfer are finally completed. I'm still not sure if I'm gonna transfer to a state college yet or not. If I do, I may move in with my sister who's attending SF State, because I wanna try to get an internship at Viz. Either way, I'm definitely planning on taking a break this Spring, and if I transfer it'll be next Fall. Gotta recharge my batteries, and get a lot of projects I've been working on out of the way. Speaking of projects, even though nothing new has been posted, I'll have you know I'm working on chapter 1 of both Bardass and Timestream Trappers. Those should be posted sometime around Christmas. Also, regarding Vamoe Guardian Lucia, it's been months since I picked up RPGM2003, so it'll take me some time to figure out everything I've been trying to do in it, but I'll eventually get to work and work I shall. I've honestly been tempted to redo the game from scratch, but then I remember all the time I invested in the maps... oh god the maps... and I figure I'm better off just trying to keep on going with what I've got.

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