SacAnime Summer 2012 – Gendo recognition count: 6! A new record!

EVERY SINGLE TIME I get someone to take my picture it turns out fuzzy!

SacAnime 2012 (Summer) came and went, and let me get this out of the way first: I’m disappointed in myself.  So much awesome talent, and the only autograph I got was Johnny Yong Bosch’s.  Not that that in itself isn’t great (and I got him to sign both my Sakura Wars game and Trails in the Sky poster), but he was the FIRST VA I got an autograph of.  So I didn’t get anything new, really.

FYI, every photo in this post was taken with my PS Vita.  I wanted to see how well it handled itself.  I think my cell phone camera might have been better, actually.  At the very least, it took higher resolution pics.

Rather than go with chronological like I did the last couple times, I thought I’d run things down by subject.  So let’s start things off with: COSPLAY PICS!

First: Bleach

His eye looks okay.

Let me repeat it for you in case you’re not in the know: I only take pictures of subjects I like, unless it’s a request.  Shunsui is a total bro.

Do you think before he got invited to SacAnime, he said “I’ll be there with bells on?”

He even has a Yachiru!

I’d say it wasn’t the skimpiest outfit I’d seen that weekend…
But I’d be a lying liar.

This was Yoruichi.  She definitely exposed the most skin, and just before I could take a much better photo, I was interrupted by security who wanted her to put more clothes on.  It was pretty rude and could have been avoided easily… *sigh*  Interesting fact about this particular cosplayer, she wore this the day before and got Johnny Yong Bosch to sign her ribcage.  Her words, not mine.  It was hilarious.

Next: Ace Attorney


MAYAAAAAAAAA!  OMG, YES!  There were two Wrights that I didn’t take a pic of, one of them was in the Feenie outfit.

Fun fact: All Godot can see is an empty action bubble.
Not pictured: Snackoos

I actually asked Ema about the lack of Snackoos.  Apparently, they did bring some, but ran out.  No katonking either.

RPG requested that I take pictures at the Higurashi and Madoka gatherings, as well as of any Flandres.  I could not find the Higurashi meeting, and I even asked around this time.  Turns out, not a lot of Higurashi cosplayers even showed up.  As for Flandre, there weren’t any, but I recall seeing one last winter.  I thought she was a christmas tree.

At least there were Madoka cosplayers.

RPG wanted me to take Madoka pics. I don’t think this is what he had in mind.

IIRC… those are all guys.

I think this is someone from Madoka. If so, hey! I actually got one of a female cosplayer, RPG!

Other JP stuff:

You just have to respect cosplayers willing to show off that much skin. Most of the time. Well, maybe half the time. This was one of the good times, give me that much.

There were a decent amount of Yokos.

This was by far the best Tifa I saw this weekend.
She was also the only Tifa I saw this weekend.
Neither of these are guardians of a planet.
He’s cosplaying as Mr. Popo.
Your argument is invalid.
Dark Magician Girl. That’s all I really have to say, isn’t it?
Koga settled down with Ayame and sired a cub.
They both seem pretty mellow now.
Classic Ryu. I respect that. Then again, I go as Gendo, so I’m biased.
Actually, the one on the right is a girl IIRC. It’s crazy how she can square up her jaw at will like that.
This was one quality Vash costume. Custom shades, too.
RYOGA! Seriously, one of my all-time classic faves right there.
“Why is it walking?”
“It’s radioactive.”
“What happens if you get bitten by a radioactive Death Note?”
“You die.”

My Little Pony…. Because I actually care this time.

I don’t actually remember why I took a pic of this particular group.

The Brony gathering was amazingly coordinated.  Put the other groups to shame, except the Homestuck crowd.

The California state flag just got 20% cooler.

Turns out, there’s a MLP club at Sac State now.  I’m planning on checking it out.  Not necessarily joining, mind you… But I am interested in whatever plans they might have.

Two Queen Chrysalis cosplayers.
Yes. Just yes.

It certainly didn’t take long to start seeing some Queen Chrysalis cosplay out there.  Chrysalis has some sexy, sexy humanization art out there, y’know.  I guess the fact that she’s practically a succubus is a major selling point.

One does not expect Discord x Applejack to be OTP.

There was a cosplaying FAMILY I saw at Artists Alley, consisting of Discord, Applejack, and Apple Bloom.  The kid was Apple Bloom.  It was freaking adorable.

The most adorable cosplay you will ever see.

Other Western series:

SacAnime changed when the Fire Nation attacked
The most awesome cosplay there was.

Nothing can prepare you for Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures.  This guy was REALLY into the character, too.  You had to be there.  You had to be there.

Lagomorphs, little buddy! Lagomorphs!

Do yourself a favor and watch some Sam & Max: Freelance Police right freaking now.

It’s smaller on the outside!
Giant BMO! I was going to go as that next time! AAAAAAARGH!!

Giant BMO was too awesome.  Too, too awesome.

Marceline, Cake, Fionna.

There was a crazy amount of Finns at this con.

Villain Spike & Dr. Wily.
Moustache and Eyebrows.

I missed out on the Itasha art panel, but I took pictures.

Ranma car art. I just really like Ranma representation.
I dunno, but it looks awesome.

Now, on to what I did other than take pictures.  I actually bought myself a new NERV messenger bag.  My old one could actually fit INSIDE my new one, it’s a freaking beast.

I was actually going to buy an Ein figurine as soon as I saw it, but I never saw it.  Still no Super Gundam model either.  Lucky me.

I failed to get more than JYB’s autograph, but to be fair… This was a pretty freaking long line.

Fun fact: I’ve been misspelling her last name as “Paglucia” for a while.
Sorry, that’s not fun at all. That’s just failure on my part.

Melissa Pagluica is a really talented artist.  I suggest taking a look at her DeviantArt page and ogling at the prettiness.  I showed up with my Bardass! reference data and asked if she could do a commission.  I got a good reaction out of her while she was looking over the character descriptions for Brier, Coleen, and Avery, and she agreed to take the job.  For less than what I was willing to pay, which is lucky for me.  How much would I have paid?  Well, that’s my business.  How soon I might be able to behold a finished product is another thing, but honestly I don’t think this can go wrong.  Being able to get a Bardass! commission was probably the highlight of my weekend.

Anyway, that was it.  SacAnime Winter 2013 features Kevin Conroy, which I am VERY excited for.  I’ll likely be going as Dr. Nemesis from X-Club.  I just need to modify a toy gun to look similar to his syringe gun.

And now, your moment of Zen…

Badges? We don’t need no… Actually, those are pretty sweet…


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