We have the glorious return of Discord, and it does not disappoint.
Discord becomes jealous upon hearing that Fluttershy has a new friend named Treehugger, who Fluttershy invited as her date to the Grand Galloping Gala.
Discord looks for someone else willing to invite him, but then he returns home and finds that his invitation to the gala got lost in the mail.
He decides to take revenge on Fluttershy and Treehugger by inviting The Smooze to the gala and cause general mischief. He also tries to win everyone over with his antics because… he’s kind of an attention whore.
Eventually, he loses it and threatens to drop Treehugger into a dimensional portal, but Fluttershy confronts Discord and lectures him about how people can have different friends for different reasons. Y’know, common sense stuff that eludes Discord. To be fair, he hasn’t had any friends for thousands of years.
Oh, and Twilight apologizes to Celestia for not keeping Discord in check, but Celestia enjoys it when he shakes up the gala… because she hates the gala. Continuity!
Origin: When Discord opens up a dimensional portal, Treehugger sees what appears to be the Sock Puppet Dimension.
I think this is the first true exploitable meme of the season.
Tartarus has frozen over, because the Best Pony of the Week… is Princess Celestia.
Yes, in an episode where we have a prominent new character (Tree Hugger) AND Maud Pie… our winner is Princess Celestia. Why? I’d like to say it’s because she shows a new side to herself, but honestly it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. I mean, just look at The Best Night Ever, the previous Grand Galloping Gala episode. We already know she has a fun-loving side to her, but something about her execution in this episode makes her seem a lot more appealing.
lopoddity gives us this fun pic of Tree Hugger and Discord getting along and synchronizing their energies and whatnot.
We FINALLY get another Cutie Map episode, this time with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie going on an adventure together to an ancient kingdom. Now, considering it’s Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, and the episode is called “The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone,” is it possible that Gilda will make her glorious return? Even if she doesn’t, I won’t complain about more griffons.