D50 watches crap you’ve never heard of: Flesh Hunters

It’s been a long time since I touched on live-action, but I just couldn’t help it.  When I saw this on the racks at The Beat, I knew I was in for something special.

After looking at the previews before the movie, I can only come to the conclusion that the film makers, Dead Alive Productions, are the most brilliant people in the universe.  They seem to have struck an amazing balance that makes them the perfect B-movie makers ever.  Spectacularly low-budget, bad in every aspect of film, and takes the project seriously enough that you can’t mistake it for being a parody.

And so I reveal to you the piece of crap known only as…

Probably the best effects in the entire movie.
Probably the best effects in the entire movie.

Flesh Hunters.

The movie starts off with dragging credits and snippets of a couple meeting, getting married, and… well, let’s make fun of that when the time is right.

Funhouse mirror weddings have a 90% chance to end in horrible rape.
Funhouse mirror weddings have a 90% chance to end in horrible rape.
Well, now we know who to blame.
Well, now we know who to blame.

For some reason, the snippets are shown through a weird wavy filter while creepy music plays in the background.  The intention, I guess, is to show how creepy it is even though it’s being used to establish character.  But all I get out of it is someone learned a new option in their video editing suite.

No, I can't.... You can't be serious...
No, I can’t…. You can’t be serious…

Yeah, visual effects aren’t going to be this movie’s strong suit.  But if it isn’t, then what is?

Wavymobiles!  Drive on the wave of the future!
Wavymobiles! Drive on the wave of the future!

Soon we find out something terrible happened on the day they stayed over at a friend’s cabin.  Because spending the weekend at a friend’s cabin always ends great.

Apparently, the wedding photographer is also the crime scene photographer.
Apparently, the wedding photographer is also the crime scene photographer.

Seriously, just look at that.  Look at that.  The crime scene photographer clearly took this photo by purposely tilting his camera diagonally.  And it doesn’t even capture anything relevant.  If it’s just a general photo of the scene, then WHY THE FUCK IS IT TILTED?

Anyway, somehow a bunch of guys break in, beat the guy up, and proceed with one of the most unintentionally hilarious rape scenes in cinema.  Partially because the wavy filter is on throughout it.

So, that was the past.  As for the present…

The guy survived the attack and is now a deputy (I’m not sure if he was a deputy back then, honestly…) in what I can only assume is a Sheriff’s Departmant / Kinko’s.

Deputy, you're a loose cannon!  Next time, collate your shit!
Deputy, you’re a loose cannon! Next time, collate your shit!

His name is J.T., I shit you not, and he refuses the advice that he take on a new partner while transporting a prisoner.

Need a criminal for your horror movie?  Hire a guy that looks vaguely like Christopher Walken and makes even less sense.
Need a criminal for your horror movie? Hire a guy that looks vaguely like Christopher Walken and makes even less sense.

This guy is annoying as hell.  Primarily because when we first meet him, he seems to take on a fake British accent… then for the rest of the movie he apparently decides not to stick with British and settle on “southern retard.”

While on the road, a UFO speeds by, apparently causing the van to die.

This could very easily have been a superhero origin story.  In fact, I wouldn't put it past them to recycle this footage for just that.
This could very easily have been a superhero origin story. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past them to recycle this footage for just that.

In a stunning moment of totally-sensical decision-making, J.T. steps out of the van with criminal in tow and investigates the woods.

Oh, shit!  It's a black guy!
Oh, shit! It’s a black guy!

So, about three aliens pop out of the mist and look like total goofballs.  The sheriff decides shit got serious, so he uncuffs his prisoner and leaves the handcuffs on the ground, because… fuck it.

So, the sheriff and the prisoner run off deeper into the woods because they completely forgot where the hell the highway was.

Oh, god, it's permanent!  IT'S PERMANEEEEEEENT!
Oh, god, it’s permanent! IT’S PERMANEEEEEEENT!

Oh, and then a lost hiker gets killed by the aliens after they run their red marker all over her face.

The aliens for some reason don’t even have low-budget masks.  They just have this weird orange glowy blur effect on them.

J.T. and whats-his-face get separated and the deputy has to save him from an alien attack in the most awesome and stupid way possible.  He brandishes his gun and runs up to the alien to aim it point blank at its head.  Okay, not really.  His gun was already brandished, as he spends most of the time running with it in his hand.

I can't even make a comment to match how hilarious this image is.
I can’t even make a comment to match how hilarious this image is.

After getting knocked aside like a candy-ass, the prisoner saves the deputy by repeatedly whacking the alien over the head with a board.  Yeah, apparently these guys are glass cannons.  Remember this because it’s actually one of the few consistencies of the flick.

Oh, and apparently, they can heal each other.
Oh, and apparently, they can heal each other.

The two get separated yet again as the deputy makes it back to the road, where he almost gets run over by a sexy chick.  Sexy chick decides to get out and investigate the woods, because… fuck it.

She promptly gets knocked out by aliens, stripped, and tied up.  I would’ve made a screencap, but I have to draw the line at full frontal.

Just checking... Yep, my holster's still there.
Just checking… Yep, my holster’s still there.

The deputy sees the abduction and decides to go in for the rescue… then realizes he’s missing his gun.  I don’t know why he checks his holster considering he usually keeps his gun in his hand.

The damsel in distress is successfully rescued after the aliens just kinda lose interest, since, I’m assuming, having her naked and tied up in front of the camera was good enough.

Well, she's got a top on.  Time to write her out of the movie.
Well, she’s got a top on. Time to write her out of the movie.

Her only real role in the movie, outside of being the supposed love interest, is to run around with practically nothing on.  Also, she kinda reminds the deputy of his raped and dead wife.  And that’s kinda hot, I guess.

And then there's these guys.
And then there’s these guys.

By the way, I’ve been neglecting to mention these campers… It’s about a guy who’s out camping with his girlfriend and his sister, and… they complain a lot.  Every time the movie switches to them, I hope NOW is the time the aliens show up to kill them.

Wait, what happened to the glow?
Wait, what happened to the glow?

Yeah, so apparently the aliens do have masks… and glow… There’s, like, no rules for how these aliens work.  They do glowy stuff to heal each other and to kill other people or just wound them or stun them or something…

Meanwhile, the deputy tells the love interest to stay put because the middle of the forest is the safest place to be while he looks for help.  Yeah, that’ll fly.  Eventually, he finds help in the form of around 10 hillbillies living in a small shack.

One way or 'nother, somebody somehow's gonna get probed.
One way or ‘nother, somebody somehow’s gonna get probed.

No, they don’t have a phone.  But they’re totally onboard for alien hunting, and they bring their own weapons.  That is, boards, farming tools, rocks…

Sexy girl: strip and tie up. Non-sexy girl: Tie up, keep clothed.
Sexy girl: strip and tie up.
Non-sexy girl: Tie up, keep clothed.

The campers get sorta split up and encounter aliens, and I guess all these plot threads are converging soon since it’s almost the end.

Deputy and hillbilly army shows up as the aliens are dealing with the campers, and the final battle begins.

This is probably just another Tuesday for him.
This is probably just another Tuesday for him.

The hillbillies take a couple losses, but overall they beat the everliving shit out of the aliens.

Great job.  Please don't rape any of us.
Great job. Please don’t rape any of us.

These guys were so freaking creepy that when they finally came through and killed the aliens, I was hoping this was a subversion and they were all just a tight-knit family that wanted to help.

Nope, no such luck.  Were they just regular crazy folk that wanted to rape everyone?  Nope, no such luck there either.

Apparently, all aliens are into some form of low-tech bondage.
Apparently, all aliens are into some form of low-tech bondage.

Turns out, the hillbillies were aliens too.  But a different species that arrived on Earth centuries ago.

This would be more terrifying if the campers weren't so fucking awful.
This would be more terrifying if the campers weren’t so fucking awful.

They… Well, they pretty much farm humans because they’re considered a delicacy.

So… everyone’s pretty much screwed now, right?  Not quite!  The prisoner shows up with shotguns, frees the deputy and male camper, and all the hillbilly aliens get pumped full of shot!

No one gave a shit about us before we wore the masks.
No one gave a shit about us before we wore the masks.

After the massacre, backup is finally called in to clean up, the prisoner is practically allowed freedom for coming to save the day, the guy gets the girl, and all is right with the world.

..or is it?

Actual words from J.T.: "Awww, shit!"
Actual words from J.T.: “Awww, shit!”

I assume he’s referring to the bad CG, not the actual invasion part.  After all, they’ve got shotguns, backup, and a load of sticks and rocks on their side.

3 thoughts on “D50 watches crap you’ve never heard of: Flesh Hunters”

  1. Soon we find out something terrible happened on the day they stayed over at a friend’s cabin. Because spending the weekend at a friend’s cabin always ends great.

    Like being raped by a tree possessed by a Kandarian demon. I hate it when that happens.

    The guy survived the attack and is now a deputy (I’m not sure if he was a deputy back then, honestly…) in what I can only assume is a Sheriff’s Departmant / Kinko’s.

    I lol’d. That is all.

    The hillbillies take a couple losses, but overall they beat the everliving shit out of the aliens.

    It’s like Return of the Jedi!

    Turns out, the hillbillies were aliens too. But a different species that arrived on Earth centuries ago.

    Likely the filmmakers ripped this from The Twilight Zone; I’ll bet they’ve never even met an Ewok.

    Ewoks wrote themselves into Return of the Jedi.

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