Bardass!: Clearing up Cataclysm vs. Calamity

While looking through my document, I realized that there may be some confusion regarding the use of the term “Calamity” and “Cataclysm.”  This is in part because I actually used BOTH terms at first, and later on forgot this fact and thought I was supposed to use one or the other.

For the most part, the term used is “Cataclysm.”  There are four Spells of Cataclysm, and they are the Cataclysm of Wind, Cataclysm of Earth, Cataclysm of Fire, and Cataclysm of Water.  The people who wield this power are themselves called Cataclysms or living Tomes.  The highest class of magic is known as Cataclysmic-level.

However, the power comes from the Tome of Calamity, which was divided into four separate volumes.  Each separate volume is referred to as the Tome of Calamity, though if a distinction is made, it should be “Tome of Calamitous [Element].”

The distinction was always meant to be: Tome of Calamity, Spell of Cataclysm.

So far I’ve only referred to the “Spell of Calamity” twice, and they were in the same paragraph.  I’ve referred to a “Tome of Cataclysm” a total of 6 times, though 5 of them were in the same chapter, and the sixth was at the beginning of the very next chapter.

One thought on “Bardass!: Clearing up Cataclysm vs. Calamity”

  1. This may have become apparent to me on rereading, but in my memory I think it was stored as “C-word for major disaster”.

    Also, happy 4rth! I hope you blew up your archnemesis’ lair! Or your archnemesis. Whichever.

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