Youtube videos are provided for those with an anime adaptation.
Also, this is NOT one of those lame slideshow blogs.
I came for the lolis. I stayed for the ecchi.
Holy Knight
Even Millennium Match treated rape more respectfully than this shit.
Omamori Himari
Mysticism-adjacent harem helps fill the void left by Negima!
Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoi yo, Masaru-san!
What am I reading and why is it so awesome?
Terra Formars
Why does the author hate women so much? Fucking cockroaches.
Koei should make a Dynasty Warriors game based on this.
(Wait, holy crap? I just checked to make sure, but there really is an anime for this?! Dear god… it must fucking suck if people aren’t talking about it considering the source material…)
Ojou-sama Ran Away
This is how Ai Yori Aoshi should have been written!
Shounen yo Taiishi o Dake
Pathetic main character, but Aso is best main girl ever!
Great misunderstanding-pileup series. But fuck you, Kubo. Fuck you.
Suicide Island
Seriously gripping survival story that doesn’t need stupid sci-fi gimmicks.
In case you’re wondering, that last quip was aimed directly at Btooom! And yes, I am implying that Holy Knight is so fucking awful and vapid that my own writing is more legit in comparison. Holy Knight is literally about… vampire politics and getting laid for no reason anyone really wants to give a damn.
The best of the bunch was definitely Suicide Island and Kingdom, with bonus points to Omamori Himari for being a deeper action series than I was initially led to believe. Sexy Commando is in its own special category of bizarre.
Hating the shit out of one’s own writing is pretty normal AFAIK, but try not to beat yourself down. H.P. Lovecraft never wrote a masterpiece, and people talk about his writing and mythos nearly 80 years after his death. Hell, J.K. Rowling recently published a novel pseudonymously, and it got lackluster reviews until she was outed.
Regarding rape in Millennium Match, are you referring to the female lead blackmailing the male lead into sex, or is there something I’ve forgotten?
OH, also there is a horror movie titled REC which iirc is a Spanish horror film, which I naturally thought of immediately. It was Americanized, but I forget the Americanization’s title and am given to understand it wasn’t very good by comparison. Needless to say, that REC… is pretty much exactly like this one, with no major differences whatsoever.
I just reviewed any relevant Millennium Match chapters and confirmed that I hadn’t written that scenario yet (but had always intended to). WHAT ARE YOU, TWIN?! HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?! No, the only rape (and what I was referring to) was in chapter 3, when Ryogo forced himself on Saki while under the influence of drugs laced in their food. I always thought that was a bit cheap and that I never gave the consequences of rape the weight it deserved, but after looking back on it now I think I handled it… OK. Just OK. There’s well over a dozen Japanese titles I can name that fail at that IMO.
Oh, and I found out I’m missing a Millennium Match chapter. I’ll have to repost it on the blog. Oh, and I need to update tags from when I misspelled ‘Millennium.’
I’ve been meaning to work on a new chapter for ages. There are only 11 chapters left in Millennium Match, so it theoretically shouldn’t take me very long to finish the series off. Problem is, Millennium Body chapters have historically given me terrible bouts of writer’s block. Then again, the next chapter I need to do is a Millennium Mystic chapter, and one I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, so that’s not really an excuse…
I have powers, Otaku: dark and mysterious powers. Do not cross me.
But seriously, I could’ve sworn I read that. Maybe I just picked up on cues. It, well, it seems like the kind of thing the female lead would do. When, or by the time, you start posting new Millennium Match chapters, I’ll probably need to reread from the beginning. I still remember the gist of the different characters’ situations, but I’m rusty. (I can’t remember their naaaaaaaaaaamesssssssss.)
And yeah, Japanese media can be shockingly casual about rape. But this is the culture which invented tentacle porn because, I know, human penises were too objectionable. I feel like volumes could be written on Japanese attitudes toward sex. (I’m not sure if the West is necessarily better, just saying.)