![We waited so. long. for. this.](https://natsume.backlogmisery.com/wp-content/uploads/SMC-2014-11-01-03h40m34s18-1024x576.png)
Well. That episode went by fast.
It was another beautiful episode, but one thing I have to get out of the way:
![HOW DO I PROPORTIONS?](https://natsume.backlogmisery.com/wp-content/uploads/SMC-2014-11-01-03h43m31s229-1024x576.png)
Tuxedo Mask’s temporary death was met with a proper heart-rending scream, and the entire scene was done perfectly. Also, I loved not just the return of Sailor Mercury’s visor, but the fact that she put it up while everyone else was being blinded by the light of the Silver Crystal.
![My .gif-fu is not strong enough to make a cropped gif. But dat calmness.](https://natsume.backlogmisery.com/wp-content/uploads/SMC-2014-11-01-03h39m53s120-1024x576.png)
I think the peak of the action was the abduction of Tuxedo Mask, and the Dark Kingdom action music during it was great.
Also, Kunzite laughing because he managed to somehow take Tuxedo Mask literally from under them.
![Friendly reminder: Kunzite predates Sephiroth.](https://natsume.backlogmisery.com/wp-content/uploads/SMC-2014-11-01-03h41m56s69-1024x576.png)
One of the hypest scenes of the episode has to be ALL FOUR of the generals watching over Endymion, and Kunzite seemingly remembering something but hiding it.
![It's as good a reason as any to keep them alive up till now.](https://natsume.backlogmisery.com/wp-content/uploads/SMC-2014-11-01-03h51m00s130-1024x576.png)
The picture of Usagi’s rapidly-growing hair was also perfectly done, and rendered in a way that by far exceeds the manga version.
![It's scenes like this that you just know the 90's anime couldn't match.](https://natsume.backlogmisery.com/wp-content/uploads/SMC-2014-11-01-03h52m09s58-1024x576.png)
Aaaaand… the episode just kinda ends after Luna says “let’s go to the Moon.”
It’s amazing how quickly it all went by when there’s barely any action. But what it did have was a massive flood of emotion, which is fitting considering that’s exactly what Usagi should be feeling after having her memories (partially) restored.
Next episode preview looks promising again, though I do kinda internally chuckle at fairy Queen Serenity.
![SWORD HYPE!](https://natsume.backlogmisery.com/wp-content/uploads/SMC-2014-11-01-03h58m02s226-1024x576.png)