Sephiroth Is Out Of Ideas: One Punch Man Ep. 7

That feel when the manga has better animation than the anime.
That feel when the manga has better animation than the anime.

In this episode, a meteor threatens Z-City, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.  Probably.

But we all know Saitama’s going to take care of it.

Of course, even if he didn't, I think we're covered.
Of course, even if he didn’t, I think we’re covered.

Genos gets called to the Hero Association when all of the S-Class heroes are asked to do something about the meteor.  Only he and Bang, a martial arts master, respond to the call.

What are you gonna do, suplex it? PLEASE say you're gonna suplex it.
What are you gonna do, suplex it?
PLEASE say you’re gonna suplex it.

Another S-Class hero, Metal Knight, appears and fires missiles at the meteor, doing no damage.  Genos uses his core to power a MASSIVE Inceneration shot at the meteor and… also accomplishes jack shit.  Honestly, is it too much to ask that Genos get SOMETHING done?  Like… slow it down considerably or break off a small piece.  ANYTHING.

Well, you know the drill.  Saitama steps up and smashes shit.

And that's how Saitama killed Deoxys.
And that’s how Saitama killed Deoxys.
No. Fucks. Given.
No. Fucks. Given.

This should have been enough to promote Saitama to a higher class, but it seems the Hero Association assumes Metal Knight and Genos played a heavy part.  But at least he jumps to rank 5.  Some jealous C-rankers (Top-Tank Tiger and Top-Tank Black Hole) turn the city against Saitama so they can rookie crush him, but Saitama’s kinda not a scrub, so get rekt.  In the character-defining moment of the series, Saitama turns to the crowd and chews them out for complaining to him about the damage when it was the meteor’s fault.  Plus he’s in the hero business because he feels like it, not for adulation.  Genos manages to get him to calm down and return home.

Next time: The Deep Sea King.  Get hype.  Get more hype.

One-Punch Man is the anime of infinite hype.

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