Hentai Holiday: Gun Tribe

HumpdayOkay, not quite hump-day, but can we all just come together and give thanks for the wonderful gift that is hentai?

So, I wanted to do something special and appropriate for this week’s Hentai Hump-Day, but I soon came across a dilemma: a complete lack of Thanksgiving-based hentai.  I checked my entire collection and my main sources and I couldn’t find anything.  And honestly, why should I?  Thanksgiving isn’t exactly a Japanese institution.  But, y’know, I was kinda hoping for something.  I couldn’t even find something with “Thanks” in the title.

The absolute CLOSEST thing to something Thanksgiving-based was an eromanga called Guntribe, which is set in a wild west-style world.  So I’m sure you can guess why I picked it for my Thanksgiving-themed post.  That’s right, it’s got (faux) INDIANS!

It's like an uninteresting wild west Rance.
It’s like an uninteresting wild west Rance.

Our heroes are Drive, a bounty hunter, and Maty of the Shawnee and kind of his sex slave.

Personally, I think having the right body type is a bigger factor than either.
Personally, I think having the right body type is a bigger factor than either.

Y’see, one night, Drive kinda saved her life… but not after she was gangraped by your average everyday rapist cowboys.

One day, saying no will work. One day.
One day, saying no will work. One day.

She offered to let him use her as much as he wants as long as he lets her follow him and promises to pursue a gang of kidnappers who have taken many of her tribe’s women.

Drive is in possession of the Guntribe Guntraitor: the Guntribe are seven outlaws who were cursed by Chief Tecumseh and were reincarnated as weapons.

Yes, you read that right.

So, of those seven guns, Guntraitor is a weapon that has great power but can never kill its target.  It comes in handy as a bounty hunter, though.

Along the way, they meet Annie Oakley, a nymphomaniac Sheriff Dog.

And we crossed the line into downright ridiculous.
And we crossed the line into downright ridiculous.

Annie has the Guntribe Gunduelist, which kinda turns whoever it shoots into a bloody pool.  It’s absurdly OP.

So yeah, there’s more craziness with historical figures later on.  Sitting Bull is a stacked wolf-girl, Billy the Kid is a villainous shota who wields Gunpreacher, which makes its targets lose all of their will, and Calamity Jane is a slutty loli who wields Gunassassin, a gun that is invisible and completely silent.

It's hilarious is what it is.
It’s hilarious is what it is.

The series is pretty short: two tankobons long, and about 80% sex, 20% actual plot.  Most of it is rape and mindbreak, and there’s a whole lot of torture.  Honestly, I don’t mind the rape, but I find mindbreak pretty stupid, and torture just isn’t my thing.

It ends after a duel with Billy the Kid and seems to set up more Guntribe meetings, but… nah, that’s all there is.  We don’t see or learn about the last three Guntribes.

Overall, it’s a pretty fun series (again, if you can get past the rape and torture).  The sex scenes can be a little longish, and a lot of them just seem repetitive since there’s very little variation on types of sex.  If anything, I’m a little bothered that they completely bury the decent (if derivative) story, which ultimately goes nowhere.  Sure, the kidnapping ring is defeated in the end, but there could have been more put into the Guntribe story.

The worst part is how blatant a ripoff it is of Rance, style-wise.  Drive even has many of the same expressions as Rance, but compared to Rance he’s considerably softened up and given a more interesting ability.  This ultimately makes him LESS interesting, as Drive is still an unlikeable douchebag, whereas Rance is cartoonishly so much of a jerk that he manages to just barely loop around to being endearing.  Maty, on the other hand, has a more unique design compared to Sill, but she’s far worse of a character.  At first it’s good that she isn’t a Sill ripoff since she doesn’t have a submissive personality, but toward the end she just gets raped far too often, and it becomes clear that she loves Drive for… uh… no reason, really.  Just because she’s the main heroine, I guess.

Well, that’s it for this Thanksgiving edition of Hentai Hump-Day.  I hope one day I’ll come across a proper Thanksgiving-themed hentai, preferably about sisters-in-law fighting in a giant bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy.

One can dream.

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